Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP ) Consultation
Our Community Risk Management Plan looks at the service we provide to you, how we plan to protect people, prevent fires and other emergencies to make West Yorkshire safer.
Our 2022/25 consultation ended and the updated Community Risk Management Plan can be found at: Your Fire & Rescue Service | West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service.
Cleckheaton Fire Station Consultation 2020
Following the introduction of the updated integrated risk management plan (Your Fire and Rescue) a proposed change to the service was made through a public consultation.
The proposed change was communicated to affected residents and local businesses. Residents and local businesses were encouraged to make their views known via the online consultation system or through paper based forms.
The eight-week public consultation ran from 26 June to 21 August 2020 to seek views on the proposal to relocate the fire station from Cleckheaton to the Headquarters site in Birkenshaw.
The key approaches used were:
Proactive multi-channel campaign to raise awareness of the changes and encourage comments/engagement using both organic and paid for communications. Channels used include:
- PR (local and community publications),
- newspaper adverts,
- social media (organic posts, targeted adverts, live digital events, short films, insta stories and engaging with community pages),
- print and display at stations and in local community of posters, leaflets, banners
- dedicated section on the WYFRS website
- Requesting partners to share content eg local councils and via the LRF
Proactive campaigns to the key audiences in the affected areas around specific changes eg
- PR in community newsletters
- targeting community Facebook pages
- posters on community noticeboards and in local bus stations
- targeting adverts on social channels to postcodes
Reactive campaign focussing on any community concerns.
233 people completed the survey. From the responses in the survey results, WYFRS social media worked well in generating survey results with 65% having seen the consultation on Facebook. This is followed by newspaper articles and adverts (13%) and posters/leaflets distributed (9%).
Read our press release about the approval of the plans for Cleckheaton station on the newsroom.
Quality of Service
West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service (WYFRS) feels it is essential to analyse and publicise satisfaction levels for the full range of customers for all the main areas of our service.
One of the ways through which these views are obtained is the Quality of Service Survey. Each month, a questionnaire is sent to a selection of the incidents attended in the previous month. The questionnaire is sent out by WYFRS but is returned directly to an independent research company via freepost. The returned questionnaires are processed and the information obtained is analysed with a feedback report sent to West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service.
We include in our measurement of satisfaction specific questions relating to:
- The initial contact made with the Fire Service
- Timeliness of our attendance
- Service provided at the scene
- Information and advice given
- Overall satisfaction with the quality of customer service
Below is a summary of performance results for West Yorkshire from the independent research company relating to 189 completed questionnaires for 2023/24.
Domestic (household) respondents (140 responses):
97% were very satisfied or fairly satisfied with their initial telephone contact with the Fire Service.
72% said that the Fire Service arrived at the incident quicker than expected and 22% said that the arrival time was as expected.
99% of respondents were very satisfied or fairly satisfied with the service provided at the scene and also felt that the Fire Service kept the effects of the incident to a minimum.
89% received fire safety information at the scene, in the form of general safety advice, 49% were offered a Safe and Well Visit and 38% received an advice booklet.
Overall, 98% of respondents expressed their satisfaction with the service received from West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service; 91% were very satisfied.
Non-domestic respondents (49 responses):
93% were satisfied with their initial telephone contact with the Fire Service.
49% said that the Fire Service arrived at the incident quicker than expected and 43% said that the arrival time was as expected.
100% of respondents felt West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service kept the effects of the incident to a minimum.
97% of respondents were satisfied or fairly satisfied with the service provided at the scene.
65% received fire safety information at the scene, in the form of general safety advice and 28% received an advice booklet.
Overall, 100% of respondents expressed their satisfaction with the service received from West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service and of these 94% were very satisfied.
Feedback (Compliments and Complaints)
West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service is committed to continuously improving the service it provides to the public and local communities, although there are occurrences when expectations have not been fulfilled and this has resulted in a complaint being received. All complaints are investigated and dealt with in accordance with our Complaints Policy.
The number of compliments indicates that the service provided by WYFRS to its local communities continues to meet and, at times, exceed the public’s expectations of our performance.
During the period 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024 West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service (WYFRS) received 203 compliments and 38 complaints.
The reports below provide details of compliments and complaints for each of the periods 2018/19 to 2023/24.
Safe and Well Visits
In order to monitor performance, a follow up survey is sent out to a sample of residents who have had a Safe and Well Visit (SWV).
In the year 2023-24 a total of 473 completed responses were returned and a summary of the results is shown below:
Initial Contact
- 98% of respondents agreed the Fire and Rescue Service (FRS) during initial contact were polite.
The Safe and Well Visit
- When asked about the length of the visit 99% stated they were satisfied.
- 98% were satisfied with the amount of information given.
- 100% were satisfied with the politeness of staff during the visit.
- In 87% of visits, new smoke alarms were fitted into the resident’s home
Overall Service
- Taking everything into account, 99% of respondents were satisfied with the Safe and Well Visit, of whom, 91% were very satisfied.
School Visits
A new Schools Talk package has been developed and visits delivering this introduced in term 3 of the 2023-24 academic year. Of the visits that took place 11 online feedback surveys were returned.
The data below was taken from the responses that have been received.
- 100% of respondents said the firefighters were knowledgeable, engaging, and courteous.
- 100% of respondents said the activities were well received by the children and they were interested in the subjects.
- 100% of respondents reported that the children were interested in the subjects and had learnt from the visit.
- 100% of respondents said they would recommend to other schools booking in a fire service visit, and 9 of the 11 stated they would like to book a visit for the next academic year.
Calderdale District Customer Survey
In April 2018 on behalf of West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service, Calderdale Council carried out an online survey with their Talkback Panel to gauge public opinion of the fire service. 354 questionnaires were returned. The responses are shown below:
Question 1: How important do you feel the fire service contribution is to the community?
Very important to the community | Important to the community | Not important to the community | No real contribution to the community | Don’t know | |
Frequency | 282 | 60 | 1 | 4 | 4 |
Percentage | 80.3% | 17.1% | 0.3% | 1.1% | 1.1% |
Question 2: Are you aware of the different services that the fire service provides? Please tick each of the following services that you were aware are provided by the fire service:
Responses | Percentage | |
Firefighting | 352 | 99.7% |
Rescues at road traffic collisions | 350 | 99.2% |
Water rescues during floods | 338 | 95.8% |
Search and rescue during major incidents and disasters | 307 | 87.0% |
Rescues from high places | 303 | 85.8% |
Rescues of animals (including domestic and farm animals) | 307 | 87.0% |
Fire prevention advice | 340 | 96.3% |
Safe & well visits – visits that give fire safety advice and also offer a chance to chat about such things as crime prevention, falls prevention, cold homes, smoking cessation and social isolation | 225 | 63.7% |
School fire safety visits | 304 | 86.1% |
Question 3: From the list of services above, please state which you believe are the most important services offered by the fire service in order of priority – list as many as you think are a priority:
Responses | Percentage | |
Firefighting | 293 | 90.7% |
Rescues at road traffic collisions | 230 | 71.2% |
Water rescues during floods | 166 | 51.4% |
Search and rescue during major incidents and disasters | 146 | 45.5% |
Rescues from high places | 134 | 41.5% |
Rescues of animals (including domestic and farm animals) | 124 | 38.4% |
Fire prevention advice | 173 | 53.6% |
Safe & well visits – visits that give fire safety advice and also offer a chance to chat about such things as crime prevention, falls prevention, cold homes, smoking cessation and social isolation | 102 | 31.6% |
School fire safety visits | 117 | 36.2% |
Miscellaneous/ Non-specific | 20 | 6.2% |
Question 4: WYFRS carries out a number of activities to help our communities. This includes working with partner organisations and assisting them by identifying and referring the vulnerable when they are at risk, taking part in neighbourhood forums and helping with local projects. Would you like to see the fire service take on more community activities?
Frequency | Percentage | |
Yes, I think that the fire service should have a key role in community activities | 217 | 61.5% |
No, the fire service should concentrate on fire and rescue activities | 94 | 26.6% |
Don’t know | 42 | 11.9% |
Question 5: Do you feel that WYFRS is working to make your community safer?
Yes | No | Don’t know | |
Frequency | 275 | 9 | 66 |
Percentage | 78.6% | 2.6% | 18.9% |
Question 6: Do you feel you have enough information about fire safety to protect yourself, your family and your home?
Yes | No | Don’t know | |
Frequency | 266 | 50 | 32 |
Percentage | 76.4% | 14.4% | 9.2% |
Question 7: Do you feel safe from fire risk?
Yes | No | Don’t know | |
Frequency | 297 | 27 | 27 |
Percentage | 84.6% | 7.7% | 7.7% |
Question 8: On the whole, how satisfied are you with the services WYFRS provides?
Very satisfied | Satisfied | Dissatisfied | Very dissatisfied | Don’t know | |
Frequency | 213 | 109 | 2 | 4 | 20 |
Percentage | 61.2% | 31.3% | 0.6% | 1.1% | 5.7% |
Safe and Well / Safer Communities Strategy Consultation
As part of the new Safer Communities Strategy, a four week public engagement exercise was undertaken from 7 February 2017 to 7 March 2017. The survey asked a series of questions relating to proposed changes to the delivery of our community safety activity.
This was delivered through a number of district engagement events and web based surveys accessed via West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service website. An additional social media campaign generated 2,355 engagements over the consultation period. In total 1,949 completed surveys were returned during the consultation period.
Key Survey Responses:
- 94% of respondents agreed that home visits by WYFRS should prioritise the most vulnerable
- 96% of respondents agreed that home visits should be free for the most vulnerable
- 84% of respondents agreed that low risk households with working smoke detectors should receive alternative provision such as online education or posted leaflets
- 88% of respondents felt that we should train community champions to pass on key safety messages
- The majority of respondents to the survey agreed that they would be willing to discuss their vulnerability to a number of safety, health and well-being issues such as crime prevention, risk of falls, social isolation, smoking and winter warmth.
- The majority of respondents agreed with the outcomes West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service are trying to achieve
About the respondents:
- 89% of respondents to the survey indicated that they had a working smoke alarm at home
- 40% of respondents had received a home visit by West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service in the last five years
- 74% of respondents owned their own home, with 10% Private rented, 10% Housing Association and 6% Local Authority owned
- 59% of respondents were women
- 73% of respondents were of White British background and 27% of respondents were from Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) groups
- 17% of respondents have a disability
- 3% of respondents indicated they were Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender (LGBT)
- Age breakdown (16-34 – 12%) (35-54 – 31%) (55-64 – 14%) (65+ 39%)
Also our Customer Service Guide, which can be viewed via the link below, gives information on how services are delivered and how they can be accessed.