West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service aims to provide safety awareness education to the communities of West Yorkshire through a variety of means.

The contents within this site are aimed at school children and encourages children’s raised awareness of issues related to fire safety, deliberate fire setting, impact of drugs and alcohol and road safety, whilst incorporating important safety messages appropriate to any time of year.

Presentations have been created to target pupils on age related topics and can be delivered by either a member of staff from West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service or by teachers within the school.


Fire Safety visits are offered to all schools across West Yorkshire. Educational materials are available to download to support all primary school years and offers pupils the opportunity to learn and build upon their safety knowledge year after year.

There are a range of different resources available to encourage children’s raised awareness of issues related to fire safety, deliberate fire setting, impact of drugs and alcohol etc., whilst incorporating important safety messages appropriate to any time of year, from videos, worksheets, games, quizzes, and lessons etc. which are all designed for teachers to lead and deliver to the students. 

All materials are designed to support cross curriculum subjects, i.e., maths, science, English etc. whilst learning about safety in a fun and engaging way and provide schools with content for topics such as ‘People who help us’ or the ‘Great fire of London’ etc.

Visits will see our fire fighters engaging with primary school children across year groups supporting teachers with the materials. Our visits aim to enable the children to build relationships with the Fire Service, creating respect and trust, reducing attacks on fire fighters and other emergency services in our communities. 

Following every fire service visit we ask that schools complete an online feedback form as this will ensure our materials are continually reviewed and are providing useful resources that are required in schools.

School Resources

Year 5/6 Home Fire Safety
Water Safety
Certificates and Extras


The Fire awareness training is also available for our partners and is designed to give an insight into the basics of fire safety in the home, how to spot lifestyle habits / issues which might heighten the fire risk within the property, and what to look out for.

The training will also raise awareness of where our partner organisations can support WYFRS in delivering brief interventions to reduce fire risk whilst in attendance at a property, such as having a brief conversation with the individual about a lifestyle choice or removing a risk factor will all help to reduce the risk of a fire occurring. 10 seconds of advice can reduce or even remove risk.

If you would like to book a visit to your school, please contact your local fire station or email school.resources@westyorksfire.gov.uk