Who we visit

Our Safe and Well visits are available to residents in domestic properties within our communities. 

We prioritise those most at risk from fire, such as individuals living alone, the elderly, and those with disabilities or health conditions. We assess all referrals for eligibility based on our referral risk matrix. You can request a Safe and Well visit for yourself or on behalf of someone else (you must have their consent to share their information with us). Anyone referred to us must be actively living in the property referred and not residing in the hospital or elsewhere, as our visits involve an assessment of fire risk based on the individual and their living environment.

In addition to Safe and Well visits, we can also support you with any detectors we installed that may have become faulty, and we can support you in addressing concerns around fire-setting behaviour.

During a Safe and Well visit, we will

  • Assess fire safety in every room of your home.
  • Identify potential fire risks and discuss how the risks can be eliminated, reduced, or controlled.
  • Provide tailored fire safety advice, based on your specific needs, to help improve your home fire safety.
  • Ensure you have adequate working smoke detection and install detectors where necessary, advising on the importance of regular testing and maintaining detectors.
  • Support you to develop a thorough bedtime routine and fire escape plan.
  • Offer light-touch advice on topics such as crime reduction, preventing falls, cold homes, stopping smoking, loneliness, and social isolation.
  • Assess the need for interventions to support the reduction of fire risk.

We may identify the need for advice or support from other organisations. If required, we will refer you (with your permission) to organisations that can support you in remaining safe from fire. 



How to request a Safe and Well visit

Requesting a visit is straightforward. You can request a Safe and Well Visit, report a faulty detector, or report firesetting behaviour. To determine if you are eligible for a visit, simply complete our online referral form by selecting one of the below options. 

If you qualify for a visit, we will contact you, and the individual who referred you, if applicable, to discuss the referral and arrange a suitable visit.

If you are not eligible for a Safe and Well visit, we offer a complimentary fire safety advice leaflet. This can be accessed below. 

If you require any assistance or would like to speak to us, please contact our Service Delivery Administration Hub on 0800 5874536. 

Information Privacy

The information you provide when requesting a Safe and Well visit, reporting a faulty detector, or reporting fire-setting behaviour, will be retained and processed by us for administration purposes. This includes managing your current request and any future requests for our services, regardless of whether you proceed with your current request. To learn more about how we use your data and to view our privacy notice, please click here.