
Portrait of Councillor Beverley Addy
Councillor Beverley Addy
Labour Group
Portrait of Councillor Israr Ahmed
Councillor Israr Ahmed
Labour Group
Portrait of Councillor Asghar Ali
Councillor Asghar Ali
Labour Group
Portrait of Karen Bruce
Councillor Karen Bruce
Labour Group
Portrait of Councillor Jordan Bryan
Councillor Jordan Bryan
Labour Group
Portrait of Councillor Lyn Buckley
Councillor Lyn Buckley
Conservative Group
Portrait of Coucillor Cahal Burke.
Councillor Cahal Burke
Liberal Democrat Group
Portrait of Councillor Ed Carlisle
Councillor Ed Carlisle
Green Group
Portrait of Councillor Regan Dickenson
Councillor Regan Dickenson
Conservative Group
Portrait of Councillor Ryk Downes
Councillor Ryk Downes
Liberal Democrat Group
Portrait of Councillor David Hall
Councillor David Hall
Conservative Group
Portrait of Councillor Tom Hinchcliffe
Councillor Tom Hinchcliffe
Labour Group
Portrait of Councillor Charlie Keith
Councillor Charlie Keith
Labour Group
Portrait photograph of Councillor Darren O'Donovan.
Councillor Darren O’Donovan
Labour Group
Portrait of Councillor Andy Parnham
Councillor Andy Parnham
Portrait of Councillor Mike Pollard.
Councillor Mike Pollard
Conservative Group
Portrait of Councillor Karen Renshaw.
Councillor Karen Renshaw
Labour Group
Portrait of Councillor Taj Salam
Councillor Taj Salam
Bradford Independent Group
Portrait of Councillor Fozia Shaheen.
Councillor Fozia Shaheen
Labour Group
Portrait of Councillor Ursula Sutcliffe
Councillor Ursula Sutcliffe
Green Group
Portrait of Councillor Steve Tulley.
Councillor Steve Tulley
Labour Group
Portrait of Councillor Ruth Wood
Councillor Ruth Wood
Labour Group

Meetings – Agendas and Minutes

27 June 2024

West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority

Meeting of the Full Authority to be held on Thursday 27 June 2024 at 10.30 am at Dewsbury Town Hall


1. Appointment of Chair
2. Appointment of Vice-chair
3. Membership of the Authority 2024–25 
4. Chair’s announcements
5. Urgent items

To determine whether there are any additional items of business which, by reason of special circumstances, the Chair believes should be considered at the meeting.
6. Admission of the public 
Members are asked to consider whether, by resolution, to exclude the public from the meeting during the items of business marked with an ‘E’ reference, because of the possibility of the disclosure of exempt information.
7. Declarations of interest 
8. Committee memberships 2024 – 25
9. Nomination of Members to answer questions at meetings of 
constituent authorities and of District Community Safety lead 
10. Appointment of Member Champions 2024-24 
11. Representation on Outside Bodies 2024-25 
12. Appointment of Independent Person 
13. Minutes of meeting held on 29 Feb 2024 
14. Matters arising
15. Minutes of Committees held since 29 February 2024 and of other relevant Outside Bodies 
To Approve
16. Constitution Review
17. Member Training and Development Schedule 
18. Member Strategic Briefings 
19. Calendar of Meetings 2024-25 
To Note
20. Performance Management Reports 2023-24 and 1 April 2024-
16 June 2024 
21. 50th Year Celebration

Agenda PDF

Reports PDF

12 July 2024

West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority

Meeting of the Full Authority to be held on Friday 12 July 2024 at 11.30 am (or upon the rising of the Community Safety Committee) at Dewsbury Town Hall



1    Chair’s announcements

2    Admission of the public

  • Members are asked to consider whether, by resolution, to exclude the public from the meeting during the items of business marked with an ‘E’ reference, because of the possibility of the disclosure of exempt information.

3    Urgent items

  • To determine whether there are any additional items of business which, by reason of special circumstances, the Chair believes should be considered at the meeting.

4    Declarations of interest

  • To consider any declaration of disclosable pecuniary interest in relation to any item of business on the agenda.

5    Minutes of meeting held on 27 June 2024

6    Matters arising




Agenda PDF Version

Reports PDF Version

Minutes PDF Version

27 September 2024

West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority

Meeting of the Full Authority to be held on Friday 27 September 2024 at 10.30 am at Dewsbury Town Hall.



1    Chair’s announcements

2    Admission of the public

  • Members are asked to consider whether, by resolution, to exclude the public from the meeting during the items of business marked with an ‘E’ reference, because of the possibility of the disclosure of exempt information.

3    Urgent items

  • To determine whether there are any additional items of business which, by reason of special circumstances, the Chair believes should be considered at the meeting.

4    Declarations of interest

  • To consider any declaration of disclosable pecuniary interest in relation to any item of business on the agenda.

5    Minutes of meeting held on 20 June 2024

6    Matters arising

7    Minutes of Committees held since 20 June 2024 and of other relevant Outside Bodies



Agenda PDF Version

Reports PDF Version

Minutes PDF Version 

13 December 2024

West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority

Meeting of the Full Authority to be held on Friday 13 December 2024 at 10.30 am at 



1    Chair’s announcements

2    Admission of the public

  • Members are asked to consider whether, by resolution, to exclude the public from the meeting during the items of business marked with an ‘E’ reference, because of the possibility of the disclosure of exempt information.

3    Urgent items

  • To determine whether there are any additional items of business which, by reason of special circumstances, the Chair believes should be considered at the meeting.

4    Declarations of interest

  • To consider any declaration of disclosable pecuniary interest in relation to any item of business on the agenda.

5    Minutes of meeting held on 27 September 2024

6    Matters arising

For noting
7    Minutes of Committees held since 27 September 2024 and of other relevant Outside Bodies 



Agenda PDF Version

Reports PDF Version

Minutes PDF Version


27 February 2025

West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority

Meeting of the Full Authority to be held on Thursday 27 February 2025 at 10.30 am at Dewsbury Town Hall


1    Chair’s announcements

2    Admission of the public 

  • Members are asked to consider whether, by resolution, to exclude the public from the meeting during the items of business marked with an ‘E’ reference, because of the possibility of the disclosure of exempt information.

3    Urgent items

  • To determine whether there are any additional items of business which, by reason of special circumstances, the Chair believes should be considered at the meeting.

4    Declarations of interest

  • To consider any declaration of disclosable pecuniary interest in relation to any item of business on the agenda.

5    Minutes of meeting held on 13 December 2024

6    Matters arising

7    Minutes of Committees held since 13 December 2024 and of other relevant Outside Bodies 



Agenda PDF Version

Reports PDF Version

Minutes PDF Version 

Meetings Archive

This page contains links to the Agendas and Minutes of the Full Authority Committee meetings from previous years.

All links open in a new window.








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