Delivering specialist health and wellbeing support to enable a healthier and happier UK fire services community, the Charity blends digital services with face-to-face and community-based programmes, to offer each of its beneficiaries tailored support to meet their individual need.
A huge number of its beneficiaries are retired members of the fire service, and there are a whole host of support pathways available to you.
From Living Well Groups, which take place both virtually and face-to-face and offer somewhere to socialise and reminisce with fellow retired members of the fire service, through to support with your physical and mental wellbeing, welfare advice and the opportunity to visit one of the Charity’s three centres for the chance to rest and recharge, there’s a number of ways The Fire Fighters Charity could support you and your family.
To find out more visit www.firefighterscharity.org.uk, call the Charity’s Support Line on 0800 3898820 or download the My Fire Fighters Charity app at www.firefighterscharity.org.uk/myffc - where you can chat to like-minded others in dedicated groups and access a wealth of exclusive health and wellbeing content and free online courses.